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Triider is a Brazilian marketplace where people can hire professionals for all
kinds of renovations, decorations and home services at general.

They have an application available for iOS and Android and their plataform is
also available on desktop. They have an app for each target user - the customer
and the professional.
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What is Triider?
Payment statement
for professionals
What was the problem we had to fix?
The professional app had several issues, but the one that caused the most
complaints within the CS team was the payment statement.
The professional
was supposed to be able to see how much he made from the services
he performed directly on the app, however not only did this feature work poorly,
but also the whole experience of understanding the payments was really confusing.

The professionals ended up calling the CS team to ask about how much money
they would make that week instead of using the old feature on the app.
So, in order to fix it, first we did our research.
 Usability test 
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We called some professionals that could help us out with a better understanding of what issues they were going through. They came over to our office and I conducted a series of interviews and structured voting on what we should make in order to improve the payment statements. In the picture you can se me and a few of the professionals voting
on how we should improve this feature! :) 
Some professionals also showed us how they used the current feature in some unstructured usability tests, where we perceived some of the most common mistakes.
We also had a long conversation with the CS team in order to understand what struggles they heard the most coming from the professionals on this particular issue.

Lastly, we did a benchmark on solutions that could helps us out as references for the new design of this feature!
 Usability testing 
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This is what the interface looked like before.
After all the research, we were left with a pretty clear view on what we needed to do in order to improve the experience for the professionals.

We created several different solutions that took into account the most important information that the professionals needed, and much more, such as filters and different ways of seeing the information in years or months. After testing several different designs and solutions on Figma, we came to a final conclusion on what we thought of as a better experience.

Then, we prototyped it on Adobe XD and tested again with a few professionals, to make sure that it was working the way we intended it to.

After some improvements that appeared during the usability testings, we achieved a final payment statement that worked way better for the professional and, especially, made the CS team’s life a little bit easier, because they received a lot of calls every week on this subject and that was no longer necessary.
The final solution:
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The payment statement ended up looking like the bank apps that the professionals used - this brought a faster understandment of what they were seeing, as they used their banking apps on a daily basis.


Also, the information was clearer: they could understand how much they charged the customer, how much Triider charged for the transaction and how much they would actually make from the service.

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We also allowed for each payment to have more details about it - if the professional clicked on a payment, he could see more details, like: what service is this payment from, what’s the address of the customer and the exact math behind what he will receive for his work.

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Lastly, for the professionals, it was super important to be able to do some simple bookkeeping on how much they were earning on the marketplace monthly.


To help out with this necessity, we developed a way where they could see the total sums of how much they earned each month/year in a simple way.

What I learned from this project?

This was such a fun project to work on! I love when you can solve big issues that cause frictions and issues for the teams you work with and for your user, and in this case we could solve both things at once. What I like the most about it, thought, is that the solution is super simple. Here are some takes:
When you understand exactly what your user need, you tend to make really simple solutions that don't take long to develop. Of course this is not a rule, but in this case we solve this with few screens and our users loved it.
An UX Designer needs to be in constant touch with the CS team. They know exactly what is going on with your user, all the time - and most of the times, it's super beneficial for UX Designers to spend some hours of the week taking some user issues together with the CS team. This helps out the designe to balance the long term view of the product with the real needs of users.
I loved working with the Triider's professionals because they tended to be really busy and straight to the point people. We had to make some weird times to interview them, and I think it's super important to take the "empathy" to a next level in this case: sometimes you need to acommodate your user in the way that is better for them. Almost all of our interviews and dynamics with them were on week nights or during the weekends.
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